Thursday 27 March 2014


Lots of them, constantly whirling round in my head and today one of them came up that I read in a magazine called Private Eye, a while ago( this is a British magazine that comes out fortnightly). I wish I could find it, but I can't be arsed. I think it was Hugh Grant, but I might be wrong, but basically it said"Fuck, fuck, fuckity fuck" and that is my thoughts about scientology...

Never a truer word said...

Who am I...nobody? Just a manifestation of LRH's thoughts?

OR an ex Commodore's Messenger who happened to see the light long before anybody else? That is why I am hated, because it did not take me 30, 40 or 50 years to see the light...well if you had happen what happened to would have seen the light too.And for all you media people out there, this was LRH at his finest...cruel beyond belief...but I know you won't take my word for I guess you had better go for those 30, 40 and 50 year believers, huh! After all they are the experts, are they not...after all they were in there long enough...weren't they...?

LRH said to me personally, "Don't worry about the family, what you have to worry about is the group" ie: scientology's sea org. He did NOT like it and I became a bone of contention then, this was 1968.Bastard! He knew I would never make the grain, he hated me and Mary Sue, even more so. I was the spawn of Michael Stainforth and he was an even bigger SP than me. But they caved him in, thus far they have not done that to me, despite their repeated on going story...

Marty Rathbun is a farce...enemy No 1? In 1969 my Grand Mother was enemy No 1...because she did not like disconnection letters and saw scientology for what it was... a fraud and LIARS...and now Marty and Mike Rinder suddenly get disconnected and fair gamed and we are all supposed to rally forth and find some compassion and love and ah, we have to toe the line, because hey the media is on their side...and so is the Supreme Court...Bollachs and yes that is English!

When I told you, YOU know nothing... I meant exactly as I said... how many of you were there in 1968? On board the Apollo? If you were then then please speak out, but guaranteed, right now it will be a load of bullshit...a shore story to keep the deluded, deluded...

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